Adelaide Autism Assessments for children & adolescents
What is Autism Spectrum Disorder?
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a condition that affects how a person thinks, feels, communicates with others and experiences their environment.Signs of a developmental delay may be present in a child at 18 months of age or younger.
Our team works closely together to tailor an autism assessment that best identifies each child’s unique strengths and areas that require support. We respect and acknowledge that within the diagnostic realm there are many shades of grey and as such we bring our developmental expertise to differentiate between ASD and other developmental disorders or impairments.
Why is the term “spectrum” used?
Each person with autism is unique, with their own characteristics. The term ‘spectrum’ is used because of the wide variation in traits and the impact on an individual.
Some children with ASD will require little or no support, whilst others may require intensive help from a parent or carer daily.
A very young child may experience some of the following*:
Does not respond to their name
Avoids eye contact
Does not smile when you smile at them
An intense dislike of certain tastes, smells or sounds
Makes repetitive movements, such as flapping their hands, flicking their fingers or rocking their body
Does not speak as much as other children their age
Repeats the same phrases
An older child may experience some of the following*:
- Difficulty in perceiving the thoughts and feelings of others
- Finds it hard to say how they feel
- Prefers a strict daily routine and can become upset with change
- Has a very keen interest or passion in certain subjects or activities
- Becomes very upset if you ask them to do something that they do not wish to do
- Finds it challenging to make friends; prefers to be on their own
- Takes things very literally
*These lists are not exhaustive and are just a few examples of symptoms that may or may not be present in your child.
Autism in boys and girls
ASD can present differently in girls and boys. Girls may be quieter, hide their feelings and appear to cope better with social situations. This can make it harder for parents, carers, teachers and health professionals to identify autism in girls. As a result, diagnosing autism in girls often occurs later than in boys.
The SAPAN assessment team are skilled at recognising the more subtle traits that may be present in girls with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Autism in gender diverse children
Gender diverse children are three to six times as likely to be autistic as cisgender people. The SAPAN assessment team keep abreast of the latest assessment and diagnosis research and can include additional mental health support and medical gender-related care for gender diverse children.

Why should I seek an assessment?
SAPAN’s comprehensive Autism Spectrum Disorder assessment can identify issues with a child’s development and lead to targeted strategies and support, assisting them to achieve their goals and reach their full potential.
Our multidisciplinary team of experts can tailor ASD assessment screening tools to the unique clinical needs of each child.
STEP ONE: A child and their family will have an initial developmental screen appointment with one of our highly experienced paediatricians. The nature of this appointment will depend upon the best autism diagnostic methods for each child. This may include medical screening, ADHD screening and viability for an ASD assessment.
The appointment duration is 1 hour and costs $450.
STEP TWO: In this appointment, a child will undergo ASD Diagnostic 1; the first in a two-part process that combines the following:
- Reviewing background information and prior assessments
- Reviewing teacher feedback
- A parental interview using DSM 5: a list of the signs and symptoms of ASD;
- A child will be observed and engaged using the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS); a gold standard observation scale that involves structured and semi-structured social interaction tasks.
- A Childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS) or Social Responsiveness Survey (SRS) will also be scored.
- Completion of any additional formal assessments that may be required
- Scoring of formal assessment tools
At the completion of this step, the clinician will compile their findings into the first half of the report and send it to the second clinician in time for the ASD Diagnostic 2
(Step 3) Case discussions are had between the first and second clinicians in between step 2 and step 3.
The appointment duration is 2 hours and costs $900.
STEP THREE: In this appointment, a child will undergo ASD Diagnostic 2, where any gaps highlighted from ASD Diagnostic 1 are further investigated.
- The report is completed by this clinician after the session. This report outlines the process, outcome and recommendations as well as highlights pathways in moving forward.
The appointment duration is 1 hour and costs $450.
STEP FOUR: A bulk-billed session is offered to the family, where they will receive the report, discuss the diagnostic outcome and be given the opportunity to ask any questions they may have.
The appointment duration is 20 minutes and it will be bulk billed through Medicare.
EXISTING PATIENTS: If a child is an existing patient of one of our paediatricians, this process may be reduced to three steps. Step Three will be increased to a two-hour session at a cost of $900.
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) can provide reasonable and necessary funding to support people with ASD.
The aim is to improve a person’s independence, increase their participation in social and economic activities and develop their capacity to engage with their community.
Children aged up to six years of age may be eligible to access the NDIS via the Early Childhood Approach.
Children aged seven years of age and over may be eligible to access the NDIS via the NDIS Pathway.
More information can be found at Autism Awareness Australia.
Contact SA Paediatrics and Newborns for more information or to book an appointment on 08 7081 9819.
A referral from your GP is required.
National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)